Creative Critical Reflection Question II

[Post Number 37]

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My product would have responded well with audiences. Many people are now interested in politics and social issues, especially in light of the corona virus and the issues it has exposed in government systems and politicians. A large group of young people are invested in saving the environment, pushing for action to stop climate change. Being an issue I feel deeply for and a hot topic in 2020, I wished for this to be my cover – urging action to save the environment. This would attract audiences since it is an issue that applies to them. Whether a person that supports action for climate or not, audiences would pick up the issue being informed of the debate. Containing other social issues in the product, it would be an attractive product to read. Another target audience besides youths and those wanting to be informed of current are intellectuals. College, highschool students, teachers, professors, and researchers all may be interested in purchasing this product since it may relate to topics they are working on. It could be a source of information for assignments, essays, or analyses on the social situation of today’s society.

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