Final Reflection

[Post Number 40]

It was due the unfortunate corona virus pandemic that I was unable to successfully finish the final project as planned. However, this year I was able to learn valuable information about films and magazines. I am a better photographer and editor. I am knowledgeable about the magazine industry and am aware of how to produce a magazine. I know how to properly analyse films and find the hidden meanings in them. I am a stronger person from dealing with this outbreak, and although it has resulted in me being unable to complete this project, I feel that I did valuable work this year to make up for it.

Creative Critical Reflection Question IV

[Post Number 39]

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

Technology is an important part to developing a magazine. The first type of technology required is a camera, which I successfully am able to time. Were I to do the photoshoot I had planned on, a camera would have been considered part of the technology used. However, in terms of online and software technology, different apps would have been required to edit the photo and convert it to a magazine cover and text. Through the year, in making the practice covers and editing photos, I have used Adobe Photoshop and Canva. I found these to be useful technologies that I could get creative with and produce what I envisioned. Had I been able to do the final project, this would have been done.

Creative Critical Reflection Question III

[Post Number 38]

How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

My production skills have improved through the year. Although I was not able to finalize the project with the outbreak of the corona virus, I know my skills have improved. At the beginning of the year, when starting my media studies class, I did not have a full grasp of what producing a magazine meant. I now know it takes a lot of effort, editing, and expertise in photography. I have done photo shoots of different subjects almost every week with my camera, which allowed me to improve my photography skills. I have become well-versed in photography terminology and familiarized myself to work effectively with different lighting and angles. Adjusting the shutter speed, aperture, and focal ratio are all small details that can largely impact the outcome of a photo. Additionally, with much research completed concerning producing magazines, I consider myself more knowledgeable than at the beginning of the year. Another significant part of magazines is providing credible and interesting information and stories within it. Covering the environment, I focused on this topic and learned about it further in other classes, such as marine science. I was definitely prepared to produce my final project if given the opportunity and time.

Creative Critical Reflection Question II

[Post Number 37]

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

My product would have responded well with audiences. Many people are now interested in politics and social issues, especially in light of the corona virus and the issues it has exposed in government systems and politicians. A large group of young people are invested in saving the environment, pushing for action to stop climate change. Being an issue I feel deeply for and a hot topic in 2020, I wished for this to be my cover – urging action to save the environment. This would attract audiences since it is an issue that applies to them. Whether a person that supports action for climate or not, audiences would pick up the issue being informed of the debate. Containing other social issues in the product, it would be an attractive product to read. Another target audience besides youths and those wanting to be informed of current are intellectuals. College, highschool students, teachers, professors, and researchers all may be interested in purchasing this product since it may relate to topics they are working on. It could be a source of information for assignments, essays, or analyses on the social situation of today’s society.

Creative Critical Reflection Question I

[Post Number 36]

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Magazines do not always have protesters or activists on front covers. They are remembered in history, but at the time of their activism they are not always given the recognition they deserve. In recent years, especially currently from 2019 to 2020, there has been a strong youth movement to act on climate issues. Tackling climate change, Greta Thunberg has been the face of this movement and been featuring on TIME magazine. I was inspired by this and joined in challenging conventions of having just political leaders, models, or well-known famous people on covers of magazines. I wanted to use my friend, Sophie, to be the cover of this magazine. She is Haitian-German born and raised in American representative of many social groups – the black and female community. This is a powerful message, since women and blacks were not always allowed to protest or were not exactly accepted into society. Until today, there is still discrimination directed towards these social groups. Another aspect is my subject urging action for the environment. Part of the movement inspired by Greta, my subject would be a relatable face to many young people. She is not well-known or a model, simply a normal teenage girl protesting for climate action as many youths are.


[Post Number 35]

Unable to do my photoshoot, I have completed several pieces of art. This I felt I needed to share since it would be applicable to what my final project could have been. With my subject protesting for the environment on tne cover, the double page spreads could show art created during coronavirus. This spreads a positive message, and is related to the social and arts part of society.

Marilyn Monroe
Created digitally by Francesca Tomasino
Scribble Self-portrait
Created digitally by Francesca Tomasino

Inspiration during Quarantine

[Post Number 34]

Out of this outbreak, many artists have emerged with strong messages. I follow the news carefully, and have observed this. From hard times, positive messages, efforts and art emerges – comparable to the Renaissance coming out of the black plague.

Banksy, a well-known and highly valued street artist, has been a source of inspiration. From this time in quarantine, he has created a piece of art commemorating the health workers that are doing the most in this time of crisis. A child is shown holding up the toy that is a healthcare worker, indicative that these are the heroes of this time – rather than the other figures on the floor.


Work from Home

[Post Number 33]

Working at home during the corona virus pandemic is a challenge. Teachers from all classes are demanding higher than average work in difficult times. However, I have been able yo make progress in my AS Media Studies class by doing several practices analysing films. This includes the introduction of the first Sherlock Holmes episode and Pandemic episode (both on netflix). I have attached both documents below.

Corona Virus Update

[Post Number 32]

In these uncertain times that started mid-March, it is caused a lot of stress and anxiety among students. I am a senior, and our entire class is worried about graduation and fulfilling our credits. We are likely to not get a proper graduation ceremony, and there is uncertainty about receiving Cambridge credit from the classes taken this year. This is impacting my work since I am having trouble dealing with this process, and additionally I am not able to go to the environment to take the photos I need for my final project. However, I will continue to conduct research and attempt to finish what I can at home.

Update on Progress

[Post Number 31]

Recently, there has been the outbreak of the corona virus, COVID-19. This has resulted in my school being closed since March 14. Originally, everyone had thought the ordeal to be over quickly and that we would be back in school soon. However, this is not true. The past weeks all students have had to be quarantined, without outside contact. This has impacted my work in this media studies class. As I am able to research and learn concepts, I have been unable to do my final project. It would require my subject and I to go out, which we cannot do.

Understanding Corona Virus


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