Photography Lighting

[Post Number 17]

Lighting is important to creating the feel of a photograph, and can be manipulated based on camera settings, angles, and use of lights. Quality portrait photography depends much on lighting. Specific detail is able to be shown through specific lighting. Lighting is especially important since it also creates the feel of a photography. Soft and hard lighting each have different meanings. The coloring can also be dependent on the lighting, especially when doing outdoor lighting. Below is listed different things to consider regarding light when taking photographs.

An example of the critical difference between bad and good lighting.
Three point lighting set up diagram

Codes are established relating to the contrast between light and shade and the effect of light in ‘modelling’ or shaping figures in an environment. The basic rules for set-up are setting a key light, fill light, and back light. The conjunction of these elements allows for ideal lighting to be set. The key light is a bright, powerful light which illuminates a person or object. Fill light comes from smaller lamps placed at complementary angles. And from a lamp above and behind the figure, the back light brings the figure forward from the background. With these parts of the lighting set, the 3-point lighting set can be formed.

Example of 3 point lighting: switching positions of elements



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